MUMMIES (2023)

Director:J.J Garcia Galocha Galo.

Producer:Jordi Gasull

Genre:Comedy, Adventure and Animation.

Starring:Joe Thomas,Eleanor Tomlinson,Hugh Bonneville,Celia Imrie, Santiago Winder,Shakka.

     The Movie Mummies is an animated Egyptian mummy movie entailing the love story and adventure of 3 young mummies living in an underworld mummy world.

 Thut a young Charioteer quits racing because he got scared and decides to live a life of a loner,never to get married just living with his little brother Sekhem without knowing the fate goddess of love (Hathor) holdes for him.

  Princess Nefer a beautiful mummy princess is destined to choose a suitor with the help of a phoenix bird sent by the goddess of love. Sekhem Changes the fate of his big brother with a boomerang knocking down the Phoenix bird down to their home. Thut was chosen to be the husband of Nefer and guard the royal ring against his wish.This task led Thut,Nefer and Sekhem to a great adventure in the living world,Princess never have always dreamed of doing one thing which is singing and now she finally has the chance to do it. Her beautiful dream was cut short for they had to go back to the mummy world as Lord Carnaby an archeologist vows to destroy all Mummies and their world.

Thut and Nefer for fought against Lord Carnaby and the two already in love with each other had no choice but to succumb to love and ends up getting married.


Release date (Streaming):Feb 24,2023.

Release date (Streaming):Apr 7,2023.

Spanish -English Movie


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